

香港電訊集團董事總經理艾維朗先生表示:「香港電訊正積極發展業務,並不再局限於滿足客戶今天的基本電訊服務需求 - 我們的目標是擴大業務範圍以滿足客戶的未來需要,為他們增添生活色彩。我們的發展超越了為客戶提供基本的接連服務,以便開拓可持續及經常性的服務收益,提升公司業務多元化發展的前景。」

HKT reports robust interim financial results

On August 5, HKT announced a set of solid financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2013, reflecting our efforts to consolidate the strong performance that was delivered in 2012 and to position HKT for further growth. Adjusted funds flow for the period increased by 4% to HK$1,484 million.

HKT Group Managing Director, Mr. Alex Arena, said, “HKT is actively growing its business to serve not just the basic telecommunications needs of our customers today – our aim is to expand our range of services to meet the needs of our customers tomorrow and to enrich their lifestyle. We are growing beyond the basic connectivity needs of our customers in order to build sustainable and recurrent service revenues into the future to diversify and grow our business prospects.”

Mr. Alex Arena, HKT Group Managing Director (right), and Ms. Susanna Hui, Group Chief Financial Officer, host HKT 2013 interim results press conference.




PCCW-HKT最近進行網絡優化,成為了香港第一個結合150Mbps* 4G LTE及1,000Mbps* Wi-Fi網絡的服務供應商,為客戶帶來極速的流動上網體驗。

我們於6月增強了旗下的4G LTE網絡至150Mbps*。客戶無論使用支援150Mbps* 的新裝置或現有的4G LTE 裝置,網絡升級將令其受惠。

於7月初,我們亦於旺角朗豪坊推出香港首個1,000Mbps* Wi-Fi服務。未來我們將會繼續在其他人流暢旺的商場及地點為Wi-Fi網絡進行升級。目前,我們於香港營運一個擁有超過12,000個熱點的Wi-Fi網絡,我們的目標是於2014年內將熱點的數目增加至超過20,000個。



* 1,000Mbps及150Mbps是網絡規格,並不直接反映使用網絡或裝置時的速度,而實際速度會顯著地少於網絡規格,並會受流動裝置及多項因素所影響。

Network upgrades

PCCW-HKT is proud to have become Hong Kong’s first service provider offering customers ultra fast mobile experience with the combined 150Mbps* 4G LTE and 1,000Mbps* Wi-Fi network following our network upgrades.

We enhanced our 4G LTE network to 150Mbps* in June. The enhancement will benefit customers who use a new 150Mbps-enabled* device and even those with an existing 4G LTE handset.

In early July, we also rolled out Hong Kong's first 1,000Mbps* Wi-Fi service at Langham Place, Mongkok. Upgrade of Wi-Fi hotspots at other malls and locations with high traffic will follow in future. Currently, we operate an extensive Wi-Fi network with over 12,000 hotspots throughout the city. We aim to increase the number to over 20,000 in 2014.

* 1,000Mbps and 150Mbps are network specifications, which do not directly correlate to speeds achievable using the network or device, as actual speeds are significantly less than the specifications and will be affected by mobile devices and many other factors.





"Love & Care" services for the elderly

HKT integrates social responsibility into business initiatives. HKT and the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association (SCHSA) jointly launched "Love & Care" services for the elderly in April. Incorporated with advanced technologies, these services, namely eSmartHealth Nurse Caring, e-Care Link and Mobile Safety Phone, offer health care, social and emergency support, and enable the family of the elderly to easily keep track of their health conditions.


  「e体健護士關懷服務」– 長者可透過eye家居平板電腦將健康數據儲存至雲端,而長者安居協會的註冊護士將會遙距監察有關數據。
eSmartHealth Nurse Caring service – store health data in the cloud via the eye Home Tablet, and registered nurses from the SCHSA will remotely monitor the data.
  「智平安」服務 – 長者可利用eye家居平板電腦啟動服務,以連接長者安居協會的24小時呼援及關懷服務熱線中心。
e-Care Link service – activate the service on the eye to connect to a 24-hour SCHSA's hotline and caring service call center.
  「平安手機®」服務 – 手機背的「平安掣TM」可直駁長者安居協會的呼援及關懷服務熱線中心。長者指定之親友亦可通過長者安居協會提供的手機定位服務,定位長者手機的位置。
Mobile Safety Phone – a Safety Button on the back directly links to the SCHSA's hotline and caring service call center. Designated relatives may also use the location service provided by SCHSA to locate the handset.




作為香港領先的固網電話營運商,香港電訊將家居通訊帶到另一個層次。其全新的eye3智能通訊服務,配合三星GALAXY Tab 3,為家居提供話音及視象通話服務,以及多元化的資訊娛樂內容及互動服務*。客戶亦可利用隨身便携的平板電腦連接Wi-Fi,在室內室外隨時隨地下載Apps、瀏覽網頁及收發電郵等。

* 必須在登記的地址透過指定的寬頻路由器經Wi-Fi連線上網相關儀器使用固網話音、本地視像通話及收發短訊服務。


eye3 Smart Communications service

As the leading fixed-line telephony operator, HKT has transformed residential telephone service. Its brand-new eye3 Smart Communications service on the Samsung GALAXY Tab 3 enables customers to make voice and video calls, as well as accessing a wide variety of infotainment content and interactive services*. Customers can also make use of the highly portable tablet to download Apps, browse the web, send or receive emails via Wi-Fi, etc. both indoors and outdoors.

* The usage of fixed-line voice service, local video calls and SMS function is only available at the address registered for the service where successful Wi-Fi Internet connection with the designated broadband router can be established.




全港首創 NFC SIM 手機付款新體驗

PCCW-HKT與恒生銀行於6月合作推出以SIM卡提供的近距離無線通訊(NFC)流動付款服務,成為香港首家推出類似服務的流動通訊服務供應商。恒生萬事達卡客戶可利用配置了我們的NFC SIM卡及支援NFC的指定智能手機,於本港接受該服務的商舖繳付港幣500元或以下的交易。於8月底時,有關商舖數目預料將超過2,500 間。

Hong Kong’s first SIM-based NFC mobile payment

We jointly launched with the Hang Seng Bank a SIM-based Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payment service in June, making PCCW-HKT the first mobile operator in Hong Kong to roll out such a service. Hang Seng MasterCard cardholders may use designated NFC-enabled smartphones carrying our NFC SIM card to make payments of HK$500 or less at the outlets which accept the service in Hong Kong. The number of outlets is expected to exceed 2,500 by the end of August.



Discover Hong Kong Tourist SIM Card

We have exclusively cooperated with the Hong Kong Tourism Board to launch a new special prepaid SIM card, “Discover Hong Kong Tourist SIM Card”, for visitors in Hong Kong, offering a range of mobile services including local voice calls, Wi-Fi, local mobile data, IDD and SMS, as well as handy access to the latest local travel information and merchant discount offers.



Smart Papa & Mama total smartphone solution

PCCW-HKT also helps gear up mums and dads to better communicate with their children. The total smartphone solution launched in June offers them workshops, hotline assistance, smartphone special offers and free data transfer service. Specialists stand by to teach them how to make use of smartphones and social networking Apps to connect with their children.


Click the above photo for more information.





Getting into the volunteer spirit

Mr. Alex Arena, Group Managing Director of HKT, led more than 100 staff volunteers and their relatives and friends to visit the aged residents at the Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate, and brought them rice dumplings to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in June.







於5月,我們參加了聯合國兒童基金香港委員會(UNICEF HK)的四川雅安地震籌款活動,以幫助當地的賑災工作。我們向流動通訊客戶發送短信,呼籲他們通過發送短信至UNICEF HK捐款港幣20元。

Handset and SIM card sponsorship

We have sponsored 100 new handsets and 100 pre-paid SIM cards in support of Caritas Second Hand Recycling Shop’s campaign. Those phones and cards were donated to elderly people living alone. Our staff volunteers also taught the elderly how to use smartphones at Caritas’s elderly centers.

In May, we took part in UNICEF HK’s fundraising campaign to help Sichuan Ya’an earthquake relief. We sent an appeal SMS to our mobile customers, encouraging them to donate HK$20 by sending an SMS to the UNICEF HK.




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